Divorce can be a challenging time for families. Children may face emotional turmoil as they adjust to changes. Recognizing the signs of struggle can help you provide the support your child needs during this emotional time. Recognizing behavioral changes Children often...
Navigating divorce as a stay-at-home parent
In a marriage, spouses often decide to share responsibilities, especially when children are involved. For example, if one of the parties has a successful business or a steady job, the other partner may decide to stay home and look after the children. This arrangement...
Dress right if you want to win a child custody case
If you’re going to court to settle issues pertaining to your children in a Kansas divorce, preparation is a key factor. If you and your ex are on opposing sides, you’ll want to try your best to make a positive impression in court. A judge overseeing a child custody...
Divorce is more complex if these issues exist
When you’ve decided to part ways with your spouse, you must first resolve numerous issues, which may include child custody (if applicable), property division and more. In some cases, you can achieve a settlement swiftly and without much stress. Sometimes, however,...
Prevent child custody problems during the holidays
In Kansas and throughout the country, many people are already looking forward to the 2023 holiday season. Raise your hand if you have carried out decoration bins from storage. If you also happen to be one of many parents who are currently or have recently navigated a...
Is your ex hiding assets from a Kansas divorce court?
Property division proceedings are an integral component of marital dissolution. Especially if you’re a parent, while you might wish you could say goodbye, walk out the door and never look back, you understand that it’s not that simple. Before you can achieve a fair...
What are the various types of child custody?
When you file for a divorce in a Kansas court, you no doubt understand that it has implications on the lives of your children. As you and your kids move on in life, things will be different, at least in connection with your family life. Before you can achieve a...
Ways to stop parental alienation in a divorce
Starting afresh in life when you and your spouse decide to go your separate ways is a lot easier if the two of you are able to communicate and cooperate in an amicable fashion, especially if you have children. It's unfortunate that many couples are not able to achieve...
Don’t let divorce make back-to-school stressful
You might be one of many Kansas parents whose family dynamic is changing this summer. Determining that your marriage is no longer sustainable, it undoubtedly has implications in the lives of each and every family member, especially your children. With back-to-school...
When child custody litigation includes false allegations
When you filed for divorce in a Kansas court, you understood that your decision to break ties with your spouse would have implications in all aspects of your life, especially those regarding your children. Like all good parents, you want your children to achieve their...